Installation principles of winter bedroom heating radiators

Date of Issue 2023-08-10

Speaking of heating, it is very important to keep our bedroom warm when we sleep at night. So what heating equipment is more suitable for our bedroom? Of course we chose radiators. Today, the editor will introduce some of the installation issues when using radiators in the bedroom, in order to provide us with a better warm experience.

1. It is better to be low than high altitude: according to the principle of air, when hot air rises and cold air sinks, the higher the installation of the radiator, the greater the heat loss. As heat is emitted from the radiator, when selecting a location, it is necessary to consider both convection and heating of cold air. In general, radiators should be installed under the windowsill because they are close to the ground, which can not only cause convection of indoor air and maintain a balanced room temperature, but also heat the air that comes in through the window cracks, playing a role in preventing cold.

2. Priority principle under the window: The installation position of the radiator under the window does not affect the placement of the furniture and can effectively block the discomfort caused by cold air entering. However, the specific installation location also needs to consider the specific layout of the customer's home. For the installation of radiators, we can choose between hanging and floor mounted.

Because the heat is emitted from the radiator, the installation location should be selected properly. Generally suitable for installation under window sills. This has two benefits: firstly, because the radiator is close to the ground, it can cause convection of all indoor air, thus maintaining a balanced room temperature. Secondly, once cold air enters through the window slot, the radiator heats it up, playing a role in preventing cold and forming a certain barrier against cold air. If the room does not have windows, if the living room is 1.8 meters high, it should be placed on narrow walls on both sides facing the sun, which is more space saving and relatively reasonable and economical. If using a 0.6 meter film, the bedroom can be placed on the side wall. If using 1.6, 1.5 and other height films, it can be considered to be placed on the side wall with a window in the bedroom.

The above is some installation and usage issues about using radiators for winter bedroom heating introduced by the editor. We hope everyone can understand that in the future, if we need to install radiators as our heating equipment in the bedroom, everyone must pay attention to installation issues, so as to have better usage effects.